Thursday, May 15, 2008

Loong Huat Eating House and Confectionary - Good Tau Sar Piau

We were on our way to Square 2 one day and the traffic was terrible along balestier road. It was after 2pm in the afternoon and we have not had lunch.
So Loong Fatt came to mind. We thought since we are going to be stuck in the jam for some time, what not get some tau sar piau (TSP) to line the stomach first? So we turned into the car park and got 30 (?!) TSP from Loong Fatt.

OK, so the price has gone up from $0.50 to $0.60 per pc. The TSP are fresh from the oven and still piping hot. Me and Mr HB each grabbed one piece and sink our teeth into TSP, it was heavenly (esp on that rainy day).
Soft and tender is the skin and the paste is sweet and aromatic. Excellent stuff.

Personally I prefer the salty one as I find the sweet one too sweet for my liking.

At $0.60 per pc, I'd say it's not exactly cheap but definately something worth trying.

Loong Huat Eating House and Confectionary
639 Balestier Road,

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