Sunday, June 1, 2008

Wendy's - A run for Carl's Jr $$

We are supporters of Burgers (Mr HB and I), despite the fact that articles warning about it's artery choking, fatty and unhealthy contents esp those originating from a fast food background.
We spotted this joint during our previous visit, they were doing their opening publicity with ladies spotting red plaits (Wendy's Mascot).
This time round, after having Carl's Jr for 1 meal, we decided to be fair to Wendy's and had lunch over here just before our departure (we also need a morale booster before returning to reality).

It was really crowded. Look at the no. of people wating to have fast food.

We both order the 1/2lbs with cheese. The interesting thing about Wendy's is they have square patties and their slogan is"Our patties are square because we don't cut corners."
Here is Mr HB's hand distributing our burgers. The size of the burgers is slightly smaller compared to Carl's Jr.
Bitting into the burger, I can feel the juice oozing out into my mouth together with the mayonnise(lots of it) and ketchup. Mmm...very nice.
I would rate this as a worthy competitor of Carl's Jr.
Fries are chunky and has a good bite factor.
Sunway Pyramid

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